12 research outputs found

    How to Stimulate Student's Critical Thinking Skill on Learning Electrical Conversion Energy?

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    One alternative for students to actively participate in education is to teach material through a practicum with a thermal-electric energy conversion tool equipped with Student Worksheet (SW). This matter shows that SW is a crucial subject to develop. This research aims to develop SW to stimulate students' critical thinking skills in the heat-electric energy conversion material. The research design used is ADDIE. The validity test instrument measures the validity of the SW by the expert and the small group test. The validity test results and the small group test show that the developed SW is valid and able to stimulate critical thinking skills so that the resulting SW is suitable to be used as an alternative moderate in learning material for thermal-electric energy conversion

    The Effectiveness of Nature of Science-Based Learning Programs to Stimulate Complex Problem-Solving in Global Warming

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    This study aims to measure students' complex problem solving on the concept of global warming. This study used a quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. The research subjects were 52 grade 11 high school students in Pesawaran District using a purposive sampling technique. This study uses eight essay questions as complex problem-solving instruments with six skill indicators, namely 1) articulating the problem, 2) identifying the desired result, 3) brainstorming creative options, 4) analyzing and choosing the best option, 5) developing an action plan that will achieve the result desired end 6) establish a plan of action and adapt as needed. The results showed that there was an effect of learning using the nature of science on students' complex problem solving with an increase of 0.75 in the high category in the experimental class compared to the control class with an increase of 0.35 in the medium category


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    This development research aims to test the validity of the simple electrolyzer props on the first law of thermodynamics, to describe the attractiveness, practicality, and usefulness of the simple electrolyzer props on the first law of thermodynamics. This development research uses the Design and Development Reaserch (DDR) approach with data analysis techniques using an assessment of validity test data and practicality test data consisting of observance assessment data, student response data, and teacher perception data. The results of this study indicate that the validity test of the developed teaching aids is categorized as very valid. The results of students responses were categorized as good, and the results of teachers' perceptions were categorized as good

    Development of Simple Light Diffraction Props Assisted by Tracker Application with Camera Module and Arduino UNO

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    This study aims to develop simple light diffraction teaching aids that can be used in learning light diffraction material in schools, as well as to train students' science process skills. This study uses the type of research Design Development and Research (DDR) which is divided into four stages of research, namely analysis, design, development, and evaluation. Before being used in the field, these props were first tested for feasibility. The feasibility test of this light diffraction teaching aid was carried out by conducting a validity test, practicality test, and instrument effectiveness test. In the test results of the validity of teaching aids obtained a percentage of 93% with a very valid category. The results of the practicality test obtained a percentage value of 89% with a very practical category. The results of the test of the effectiveness of teaching aids are represented by the student response test, and the teacher's perception test. In the student response test, a percentage of 86% was obtained in the very effective category, while the teacher perception test obtained a percentage of 84% in the very effective category. Based on the three feasibility tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that this teaching aid is very suitable to be used in learning diffraction material in schools, and can train students' science process skills

    Augmented Reality (AR) in Physics Learning: Opportunities to Improve Teacher and Student Interaction in Online Learning

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    This study aims to describe the views of teachers and students in Islamic schools regarding Augmented Reality (AR) assisted learning to facilitate student involvement in learning, as well as increase teacher-student interactions in the learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a mixed method with a qualitative-quantitative explanatory design. The data collection technique used a questionnaire involving 31 respondents, 3 teachers, and 3 students as resource persons in three Islamic high schools in Lampung Province. The results of the study show that AR-assisted methods have the potential to increase teacher-student interaction by implementing a Learning Management System (LMS) that suits their needs and learning facilities. The results also show that AR provides an effective learning experience, because it displays 3D images so that it is easily accepted by students and makes students interested in learning during online learning. Therefore, the use of AR in learning has the opportunity to increase learning interactions between teachers and students

    Students’ Digital Literacy and Collaboration Abilities: An Analysis in Senior High School Students

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    This study aims to describe and analyze the level of digital literacy and collaboration skills of students. The research method used a quantitative descriptive survey with a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The study involved 10 physics teachers and 105 high school students in Lampung Province. The results showed that the digital literacy of students was in the sufficient category with the achievement percentage of 54.68%, while the collaborative abilities of students were in the poor category with the achievement percentage of 39.17%. Digital literacy has not been maximally achieved and the ability to collaborate in students is influenced by the lack of efforts of students to use the internet as a learning resource and the lack of student-centered learning

    Problem-Based E-Module Integrated with STEM and Assisted by LMS to Foster Creative Thinking Ability

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    Appropriate learning resources are required when delivering problem-based physics materials integrated with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This research aims to create a valid, practical, and effective problem-based e-module integrated with STEM and supported by an LMS (Learning Management System) to train creative thinking skills on harmonic vibration material. The 4-D development model was used in this research (define, design, development, and disseminate). The study of tenth-grade students from class MIA 1 at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Purbolinggo revealed that the developed e-module had a content validity test result of 89 % and a constructs test result of 88%. The practicality test of the readability aspect yielded an 80% result, and the implementation yielded a 79.07% result.Furthermore, the n-gain value for the effectiveness test based on improvement was 0.54 in the medium category. Furthermore, there was a difference in average pretest and posttest scores with less than 0.05. It is possible to conclude that the developed e-module is appropriate for training students' creative thinking skills. Further researchers are expected to develop platform-assisted e-modules that are more interactive and easier to use in future research


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    The general relativistic diffusion process on curved space-time manifold around a neutron star has been analyzed. The general relativistic diffusion equation of difusive particles around non-rotating neutron star is derived by constructing phase space in the parametrization of observer time in the hyperbolic coordinate system. This diffusion equation describes the stochastic dynamic of particles around neutron star


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    A problem found in the learning process is that the learning model used is unappropriated so that the students are less active and don't master the subject matter instruction. This study aims to determine the effect of problem-based learning model on global warming material on student learning outcomes. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Bengkunat with a sample of 28 people. The data collection techniques used is the pretest and posttest questions, which were previously tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis techniques use the-count test paired test, namely sig. 0.364 is greater than 0.05. The results showed that there was an effect of the problem-based learning models on global warming material on learning outcomes. Keywords: learning outcomes, problem-based learning